Jujutsu Kaisen Chap 265 Full New Leaks Spoilers


Sukuna knew Yuji is a biggest threat to him. So when he got RCT back, he should’ve revived his CT too. But he chose to wait for it recover naturally. Cuz he thought he can easily dodge from Yujis soul dismantle. This negligence/arrogance has now put Sukuna at death’s door.


As they stroll through a city, Sukuna realises what’s happening with him. A rare phenomenon when Yuji connects with a Sorcerer during a battle. Sukuna asks if this is Yuji’s domain. Yuji says he wanted to talk with Sukuna for a bit


Sukuna: What is this? Is this really your domain?

Yuji: Shut up, I was desperate so I don’t even know what this is

Yuji: I wanted time to talk to you. Come on let’s talk for a bit

As they go through an underground passage, Yuji starts narrating Sukuna about his childhood

Yuji says, “I was born in Sendai but I lived around here when I was 6 or 7 years old until I moved back to Sendai because of my gramps work”


Yuji: I came back after 10 years to attend my grandpa’s friend’s funeral. I wouldn’t say there was a huge drop in the population but I was still surprised. I wonder if that guy would have come to attend the funeral if my grandpa died first

Sukuna is speechless to here Yuji yap

I dropped my slime in the sand here so I tried to wash it in the sink. I cried when it went all in the drain

Yuji then takes Sukuna to a park where he used to play. He says: “All the play equipment is gone but when I got my leg stuck in swing I thought I was gonna die but it can’t be helped I guess”


Yuji then spots a flower n says:

Yuji: Hey it’s a Asagao (flower)

Sukuna: it’s a Ajisai moron.

Yuji: Hey I know that! it was just a careless miss

Yuji: I noticed once I moved to Sendai but these grew a lot around here. I wonder who decides the types of street trees

Yuji: but I didn’t know you’d know flowers names

When Yuji asks how did he about the flowers, Sukuna says it’s probably from Megumi’s memories. Then Yuji realises that Sukuna must know about all these place since he was in Yuji’s body. But Sukuna rebukes bim saying it’s waste to read useless memories


Yuji then takes Sukuna to catch some crawfish

Yuji: Here, you try it too

Yuji: Or the strongest sorcerer can’t even catch a crawfish?

Sukuna: Shut up!

Sukuna catches one but they start to fight about who caught a better crawfish

Sukuna: yours is smaller

Yuji: yours is an american crawfish, mines a Japanese one. Mines rarer


Yuji & Sukuna fighting over who caught a better fish. THIS WAS TRULY MY JUJUTSU KAISEN


Yuji: this department store opened when I was like 5. All the independent stores went out of business thanks to it. I’m sad that the shopping district became shuttered but I forgave them because there’s a movie theater above here.

Yuji: it’s an overall gray countryside but if you move away a bit from a city there’s lots of green so don’t worry.

Sukuna: I wasn’t worried about anything from the start

Yuji then takes Sukuna to a feild

Yuji: See Look, it’s as everyone says “green as far as the eyes can see”

Yuji: I used to catch locusts as much as I can in the rice fields but I don’t see them around lately… did the pesticides evolve or something?


Yuji; the ice cream here was so good. I used all of my allowance on the ice cream here that day and I threw up.

Sukuna: so you didn’t have a brain from back then

Yuji; oh let’s do some archery!

Yuji: horses are great, no matter how many times I see them their heads always seem bigger than I remember

Yuji: my gramps used to take me to this farm from time to time. When I think of it now he really did things for me as if he was my real parent


Yuji n Sukuna then play archery & Sukuna shoots a perfect ten

Yuji: damn

Yuji: you’re really not cute at all

Sukuna: of course I’m more experienced than you

Yuji: well that makes sense I guess. (Sukuna is from the era when archery was common)


It then starts to snow n Yuji tells Sukuna about the time when he used to showel in morning. How he loved drinking hot milk tea


Yuji says during a Christmas he once heard the sound of bells at night and had believed Santa truly exists. Only to find out that it was sound of some chains on a car


Sukuna gets fed up of Yuji’s talks

Sukuna: hey… get to the point already

Yuji: …fine. I think I’ve already showed you what I wanted to show you anyways

Sukuna: it’s all messy and disgusting. what are you trying to say

Yuji: I’m…


Yuji: I used to think till recently that understanding and fulfilling my role is what it is meant to live.

Yuji: and when I died fulfilling my role I could truly say that I died the right way.

Yuji: but now I feel a little different about it


Yuji: your role can be really anything like walking the dog or to nurture your family.

Yuji: Even without such things, whether you just eat, take a shit, and sleep, or if you’re bedridden with illness, with your life not connecting with anyone and leaving nothing behind


Yuji says the value of a person’s life lies in the fragments of memories that float somewhere, even if they’re smaller than the memories that shape a person

yuji: Whether good or bad, you can’t really tell if either is truly human.

Yuji: it’s not the problem of how you die, I just couldn’t forgive those who act as if that value doesn’t exist

Yuji: Sukuna… I don’t like you

Yuji: but humans aren’t tools so it’s not like our roles are determined from the beginning


Yuji: I might be the one that’s wrong.

Yuji: That’s why I wanted to at least make sure that you knew…

Yuji: About the other people whom you can’t find value in besides yourself

Sukuna: … I don’t feel anything


Sukuna: Brat I understand everything you’re trying to say. And even after that I don’t feel anything.

Sukuna: it’s like how you accepted the decline of the city, saying ‘Well, that’s probably the case. So, what?

Yuji: so I failed… just as I thought

Sukuna: if I had to say, your cowardice is astonishing.

Yuji: was your anger and hatred towards me really only to that extent?


Sukuna suddenly realises something

Sukuna: brat… could it be that you…

Sukuna: are you pitying me…?

Sukuna: are you trying to show me sympathy? (We see a statue of Buddha as Sukuna asks that to Yuji)






“It seems like you’re having a severe misunderstanding. I won’t settle for just slicing you into pieces, brat. I’LL KILL EVERYONE RIGHT INFRONT OF YOUR EYES THAT YOU CARE ABOUT AND HOLD VALUE!!”


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