It’s the ideal moment to start following the Red Sox.

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Now that the stretch that was meant to humiliate the Red Sox and stop their flirtations is well under way.500 south forever.

Their current record is at 7-2.

The Red Sox have quietly proven they are a team worthy of our attention, and that gives us optimism that the period between the Celtics’ title parade and the Patriots’ training camp won’t be a complete sporting wasteland.

>>> Read More: Orioles win 2 of 3 in the series after hitting 4 home runs off Wheeler and defeating the Phillies 8-3.

Following a slow start as they adjusted to shortstop and team leader Trevor Story’s season-ending shoulder injury, the Red Sox have found a formula that feels, dare I say, sustainable.

They have won series against the two top baseball teams (Yankees and Phillies) in just the previous week alone, increasing their chances of making the playoffs by about 25%—second only to the raging Mets. Chief Baseball Officer Craig Breslow, an analytical man, should take notice of that kind of stuff. Breslow is currently deciding whether to buy, sell, or wait for a trade deadline next month.

It’s still possible that the Red Sox have only a thirty percent chance of making it to October, but give it another week and see. or much better, one month. They’ve developed into one of baseball’s toughest outs, a speed-oriented throwback team that stole five additional bases in their 7-3 victory over the fading Blue Jays on Wednesday.

Since Ralph Houk, every Red Sox manager has promised his squad would put pressure on opposition defenses, but Alex Cora’s group is the first to go above and above on the roster. With 76 steals, the Red Sox lead the American League, and as they embrace their go-go identity, that total will only rise. They’ve already broken the franchise record this past week when they stole nine bases against the Yankees, and they followed that up on Wednesday with a five-steal performance.

After being pressed into action due to Story’s injury, rookie shortstop David Hamilton was criticized for not being ready for prime time but has since found newfound success in his second stint. With 20 thefts, he is second in the American League. At.288 in batting, he now leads the team. Even though he doesn’t have the longest arm, he’s completing the regular plays at short, allowing rookie Ceddanne Rafaela, another speedster, to go back to center field.

Meanwhile, outfielder Jarren Duran, who has been on fire, may be the team’s best all-around player. On Wednesday, he stole two more bases, bringing his total to 19. He is the only player on the club without a game missed and leads the team in WAR (3.7). The Red Sox are energized by Duran’s drive out of the leadoff position, and his league-high ten triples demonstrate how dynamic he can be on the field.

With a stable defense and 81 home runs, which ranks seventh in the AL, can change games with a single blow, the Red Sox are at last producing a complete package deserving of their unexpectedly strong rotation.

In spite of the return of starters like Kutter Crawford and Cooper Criswell, the Red Sox own the fourth-best ERA in the American League with 3.45. Tanner Houck, the team’s ace, and other young arms could surpass last year’s career high in innings within the next two weeks, raising concerns about how they will fare in the second half. However, if ownership ultimately chooses to focus on other matters rather than future seasons, that issue can be resolved at the deadline.

For now, though, the Red Sox are entertaining us and their recent heat wave is coming at a perfect moment. The baseball club will have the stage to themselves after the Duck Boats conclude their tour of the city on Friday.

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